Here are some people who have written software I like:
- William E. Baxter
- djblib - A source-file library derived from the many fine software packages from D.J. Bernstein.
- qtools - Utilities for use with qmail.
- ucspi-ssl - An UCSPI protocol for the TCP communication domain that uses SSL to encrypt communication.
- Laurent G. Bercot
- skalibs - A set of general-purpose libraries.
- minnotify - A set of tools designed to make easy instant notification and checking of small databases across the network.
- conn-tools - A collection of miscellaneous utilities designed to help managing connections and communication between processes.
- Dan Bernstein
- checkpassword - A set of utilities to check UNIX passwords.
- clockspeed - A set of utilities to adjust the speed of the system clock.
- daemontools - A system to manage UNIX services.
- djbdns - Software to retrieve and publish DNS information.
- mess822 - A set of tools to parse Internet mail messages.
- publicfile - Software to publish files through FTP and HTTP.
- qmail - A fast, small, and secure SMTP server.
- ezmlm - Software to manage mailing lists under qmail.
- fastforward - Software to use /etc/aliases and other forwarding tables from qmail.
- - publicly contributed page
- ucspi-tcp - A set of utilities to create and accept TCP connections.
- Bruce Guenter
- bcron - A secure drop-in replacement for vixie-cron.
- bglibs - A collection of libraries.
- cvm - Credential Validation Module system.
- twoftpd - A FTP server that strives to be secure, simple, and efficient.
- Paul Jarc
- fdtools - A set of utilities for working with file descriptors.
- idtools - A set of tools for working with user and group IDs.
- prjlibs - A set of general-purpose libraries for C, sh, and Scheme.
- runwhen - A set of utilities for running commands at particular times.
- Lasse Kliemann
- userdir - A sample library and tools implimenting Dan Rench's userdir.
- Felix von Leitner
- dietlibc - A libc optimized for small size.
- embutils - Small system utilities for embedded systems.
- fget - A minimal http/ftp download tool for boot disks.
- fnord - Yet another small httpd.
- gatling - A high performance web server.
- libowfat - Dan J. Bernstein's librarys with a GPL liscense.
- mininet - Very small network utilities.
- minit - A small yet feature-complete init.
- tinyldap - A small LDAP implementation.
- Balazs Nagy
- imprison - A tool to imprison processes to jail.
- Uwe Ohse
- ftpcopy - A FTP client collection that understands EPLF directory listings.
- iodp - Input/Output Descriptor Protocol tools.
- uschedule - An alternative to cron and at.
- Andre Oppermann
- Gerrit Pape
- runit - A UNIX init scheme with service supervision.
- runscripts - A collection of runscripts for daemontools or runit.
- socklog - System and kernel logging services.
- ipsvd - Internet protocol service daemons.
- Dan Rench
- userdir - An /etc/passwd replacement.
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